Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Apologies for Delinquincy

Dear fanfriends,

My sincerest apologies for the absence of posts this summer--as many of you know, Adam and I moved at the beginning of August, and that has been, as it always is, all-consuming (and also I've been at the beach a lot, which you should all go do, too, because beach). 

Our previous printer/scanner bit the dust and just as soon as we procure a new one, you'll be privy to the upcoming storyline (hint--it involves the king of the forest and the Duchess of Albaster). 

In the meantime, I invite you to browse the shop and purchase the print version of the first episodes (takes you from fall to winter solstice). Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Faeries of Amsteryork Issue #1 IN PRINT!

Order it HERE at IndyPlanet

Shop for fabulous faerie merchandise HERE!